Tuesday, May 15, 2007


When I was a kid, I packed my guitar case with clothes- or maybe it was just my guitar, and ran away from home. I made it as far as Veteran's Park in Bethesda, Maryland. Back then it was a triangle that held a park bench and a flagpole. I sat there all afternoon and realized I was going nowhere. (I think I'd planned on hitch hiking to California, but I lost my nerve.) Tasty Diner was right across the street so I went in there and called someone to pick me up. I think I had just enough cash to make the call and buy a cup of cocoa.

Through the miracle of time, the park has expanded to hold a band, a fountain, and tables and chairs. I hardly recognize the place, but it's a great spot to bring the kids and see the Troubadours who will be playing there this Thursday.
(Bring 'em now before they run off to join the circus.)

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