Monday, June 11, 2007

Three Shopping Days

Now that the weekend is officially over, the next gig doesn't seem so far off after all, especially when you factor in the shortened shopping window for Mark's birthday. Turns out the best place to catch him this week will be at The Quarry House on Thursday night. (For those who made it to Jack O' Dell's birthday bash there in May, you'll appreciate how this band doesn't miss an excuse to celebrate.)
(And for those of you who know Mark, he doesn't need an excuse)

So line up a sitter, and get your work done early this week. After all Thursday is a great night to get out and avoid the hoi polloi. And Friday morning? Well, that's why they invented coffee.


Michael Dempsey said...


You are becoming quite the DOT COM guy. A true Blogmeister! The Blogisphere will never be the same! Keep up the good work and I hope nobody says, "This Party Sucks!" on your birthday.
And don't forget if HR from the Bad Brains, Dash Rip Rock, Guitar Shorty, and Cowboy Mouth can find their way to Pensacola Beach, you guys can too!

My 13 month neice is already dancing to Sherpa!

Michael Dempsey

Anonymous said...

I'm all done shopping and ready to CELEBRATE your day. See you Thursday!!!!!